from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
import h5py
import time
from datetime import datetime
import os
recommended HDF5 file format for ScopeFoundry
* = group
- = attr
D = data_set
* /
- scope_foundry_version = 100
- emd_version = 102
* gui
- log_quant_1
- log_quant_1_unit
- ...
* hardware
* hardware_component_1
- ScopeFoundry_Type = Hardware
- name = hardware_component_1
- log_quant_1
- log_quant_1_unit
- ...
* units
- log_quant_1 = '[n_m]'
* ...
* measurement_1
- ScopeFoundry_Type = Measurement
- name = measurement_1
- log_quant_1
- ...
* units
- log_quant_1 = '[n_m]'
* image_like_data_set_1
- emd_group_type = 1
D data
D dim0
- name = 'x'
- unit = '[n_m]'
D ...
D dimN
D simple_data_set_2
D ...
other thoughts:
store git revision of code
store git revision of ScopeFoundry
[docs]def h5_base_file(app, fname=None, measurement=None):
t0 = time.time()
if fname is None and measurement is not None:
f = app.settings['data_fname_format'].format(
fname = os.path.join(app.settings['save_dir'], f)
#fname = os.path.join(app.settings['save_dir'], "%i_%s.h5" % (t0, )
h5_file = h5py.File(fname)
root = h5_file['/']
root.attrs["ScopeFoundry_version"] = 101
root.attrs['time_id'] = t0
h5_save_app_lq(app, root)
h5_save_hardware_lq(app, root)
return h5_file
[docs]def h5_save_app_lq(app, h5group):
h5_app_group = h5group.create_group('app/')
h5_app_group.attrs['name'] =
h5_app_group.attrs['ScopeFoundry_type'] = "App"
settings_group = h5_app_group.create_group('settings')
h5_save_lqcoll_to_attrs(app.settings, settings_group)
[docs]def h5_save_hardware_lq(app, h5group):
h5_hardware_group = h5group.create_group('hardware/')
h5_hardware_group.attrs['ScopeFoundry_type'] = "HardwareList"
for hc_name, hc in app.hardware.items():
h5_hc_group = h5_hardware_group.create_group(hc_name)
h5_hc_group.attrs['name'] =
h5_hc_group.attrs['ScopeFoundry_type'] = "Hardware"
h5_hc_settings_group = h5_hc_group.create_group("settings")
h5_save_lqcoll_to_attrs(hc.settings, h5_hc_settings_group)
return h5_hardware_group
[docs]def h5_save_lqcoll_to_attrs(settings, h5group):
take a LQCollection
and create attributes inside h5group
:param logged_quantities:
:param h5group:
:return: None
unit_group = h5group.create_group('units')
# TODO decide if we should specify h5 attr data type based on LQ dtype
for lqname, lq in settings.as_dict().items():
#print('h5_save_lqcoll_to_attrs', lqname, repr(lq.val))
h5group.attrs[lqname] = lq.val
h5group.attrs[lqname] = lq.ini_string_value()
if lq.unit:
unit_group.attrs[lqname] = lq.unit
[docs]def h5_create_measurement_group(measurement, h5group, group_name=None):
if group_name is None:
group_name = 'measurement/' +
h5_meas_group = h5group.create_group(group_name)
h5_save_measurement_settings(measurement, h5_meas_group)
return h5_meas_group
[docs]def h5_save_measurement_settings(measurement, h5_meas_group):
h5_meas_group.attrs['name'] =
h5_meas_group.attrs['ScopeFoundry_type'] = "Measurement"
settings_group = h5_meas_group.create_group("settings")
h5_save_lqcoll_to_attrs(measurement.settings, settings_group)
[docs]def h5_create_emd_dataset(name, h5parent, shape=None, data = None, maxshape = None,
dim_arrays = None, dim_names= None, dim_units = None, **kwargs):
create an EMD dataset v0.2 inside h5parent
returns an h5 group emd_grp
to access N-dim dataset: emd_grp['data']
to access a specific dimension array: emd_grp['dim1']
HDF5 Hierarchy:
* h5parent
* name [emd_grp] (<--returned)
- emd_group_type = 1
D data [shape = shape]
D dim1 [shape = shape[0]]
- name
- units
D dimN [shape = shape[-1]]
h5parent : parent HDF5 group
shape : Dataset shape of N dimensions. Required if "data" isn't provided.
data : Provide data to initialize the dataset. If used, you can omit
shape and dtype arguments.
Keyword Args:
dtype : Numpy dtype or string. If omitted, dtype('f') will be used.
Required if "data" isn't provided; otherwise, overrides data
array's dtype.
dim_arrays : optional, a list of N dimension arrays
dim_names : optional, a list of N strings naming the dataset dimensions
dim_units : optional, a list of N strings specifying units of dataset dimensions
Other keyword arguments follow from h5py.File.create_dataset
emd_grp : h5 group containing dataset and dimension arrays, see hierarchy below
#set the emd version tag at root of h5 file
h5parent.file['/'].attrs['version_major'] = 0
h5parent.file['/'].attrs['version_minor'] = 2
# create the EMD data group
emd_grp = h5parent.create_group(name)
emd_grp.attrs['emd_group_type'] = 1
if data is not None:
shape = data.shape
# data set where the N-dim data is stored
data_dset = emd_grp.create_dataset("data", shape=shape, maxshape=maxshape, data=data, **kwargs)
if dim_arrays is not None: assert len(dim_arrays) == len(shape)
if dim_names is not None: assert len(dim_names) == len(shape)
if dim_units is not None: assert len(dim_units) == len(shape)
if maxshape is not None: assert len(maxshape) == len(shape)
# Create the dimension array datasets
for ii in range(len(shape)):
if dim_arrays is not None:
dim_array = dim_arrays[ii]
dim_dtype = dim_array.dtype
dim_array = None
dim_dtype = float
if dim_names is not None:
dim_name = dim_names[ii]
dim_name = "dim" + str(ii+1)
if dim_units is not None:
dim_unit = dim_units[ii]
dim_unit = None
if maxshape is not None:
dim_maxshape = (maxshape[ii],)
dim_maxshape = None
# create dimension array dataset
dim_dset = emd_grp.create_dataset("dim" + str(ii+1), shape=(shape[ii],),
dtype=dim_dtype, data=dim_array,
dim_dset.attrs['name'] = dim_name
if dim_unit is not None:
dim_dset.attrs['unit'] = dim_unit
return emd_grp