Source code for ScopeFoundry.measurement

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Apr  1 09:25:48 2014
@author: esbarnard
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

from qtpy import QtCore, QtWidgets
import threading
import time
from .logged_quantity import LQCollection
from .helper_funcs import load_qt_ui_file
from collections import OrderedDict
import pyqtgraph as pg
from ScopeFoundry.helper_funcs import get_logger_from_class

[docs]class MeasurementQThread(QtCore.QThread): def __init__(self, measurement, parent=None): super(MeasurementQThread, self).__init__(parent) self.measurement = measurement
[docs] def run(self): self.measurement._thread_run()
[docs]class Measurement(QtCore.QObject): """ Base class for ScopeFoundry Hardware objects to subclass, implement :meth:`setup`, :meth:`run` for measurements with graphical interfaces, subclass and additionally implement :meth:`setup_figure`, :meth:`update_display` """ measurement_sucessfully_completed = QtCore.Signal(()) """signal sent when full measurement is complete""" measurement_interrupted = QtCore.Signal(()) """signal sent when measurement is complete due to an interruption""" #measurement_state_changed = QtCore.Signal(bool) # signal sent when measurement started or stopped def __init__(self, app): """ :type app: BaseMicroscopeApp """ QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) self.log = get_logger_from_class(self) if not hasattr(self, 'name'): = self.__class__.__name__ = app self.display_update_period = 0.1 # seconds self.display_update_timer = QtCore.QTimer(self) self.display_update_timer.timeout.connect(self._on_display_update_timer) self.acq_thread = None self.interrupt_measurement_called = False #self.logged_quantities = OrderedDict() self.settings = LQCollection() self.operations = OrderedDict() self.activation = self.settings.New('activation', dtype=bool, ro=False) # does the user want to the thread to be running self.running = self.settings.New('running', dtype=bool, ro=True) # is the thread actually running? self.progress = self.settings.New('progress', dtype=float, unit="%", si=False, ro=True) self.settings.New('profile', dtype=bool, initial=False) # Run a profile on the run to find performance problems self.activation.updated_value[bool].connect(self.start_stop) self.add_operation("start", self.start) self.add_operation("interrupt", self.interrupt) #self.add_operation('terminate', self.terminate) #self.add_operation("setup", self.setup) #self.add_operation("setup_figure", self.setup_figure) self.add_operation("update_display", self.update_display) self.add_operation('show_ui', self.show_ui) if hasattr(self, 'ui_filename'): self.load_ui() self.setup()
[docs] def setup(self): """Override this to set up logged quantities and gui connections Runs during __init__, before the hardware connection is established Should generate desired LoggedQuantities""" pass
#raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def setup_figure(self): """ Overide setup_figure to build graphical interfaces. This function is run on ScopeFoundry startup. """"Empty setup_figure called") pass
[docs] @QtCore.Slot() def start(self): """ Starts the measurement calls *pre_run* creates acquisition thread runs thread """"measurement {} start".format( self.interrupt_measurement_called = False if (self.acq_thread is not None) and self.is_measuring(): raise RuntimeError("Cannot start a new measurement while still measuring") #self.acq_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._thread_run) self.acq_thread = MeasurementQThread(self) self.acq_thread.finished.connect(self.post_run) #self.measurement_state_changed.emit(True) self.running.update_value(True) self.pre_run() self.acq_thread.start() self.t_start = time.time() self.display_update_timer.start(self.display_update_period*1000)
[docs] def pre_run(self): """Override this method to enable main-thread initialization prior to measurement thread start""" pass
[docs] def run(self): """ *run* method runs in an separate thread and is used for data acquisition No GUI updates should occur within the *run* function, any Qt related GUI work should occur in :meth:`update_display` """ if hasattr(self, '_run'): self.log.warning("warning _run is deprecated, use run") self._run() else: raise NotImplementedError("Measurement {}.run() not defined".format(
[docs] def post_run(self): """Override this method to enable main-thread finalization after to measurement thread completes""" pass
def _thread_run(self): """ This function governs the behavior of the measurement thread. """ self.set_progress(50.) # set progress bars to default run position at 50% try: if self.settings['profile']: import cProfile profile = cProfile.Profile() profile.enable() #except Exception as err: # self.interrupt_measurement_called = True # raise err finally: self.running.update_value(False) self.activation.update_value(False) self.set_progress(0.) # set progress bars back to zero #self.measurement_state_changed.emit(False) if self.interrupt_measurement_called: self.measurement_interrupted.emit() self.interrupt_measurement_called = False else: self.measurement_sucessfully_completed.emit() if self.settings['profile']: profile.disable() profile.print_stats(sort='time') @property def gui(self): self.log.warning("Measurement.gui is deprecated, use " + repr(DeprecationWarning)) return
[docs] def set_progress(self, pct): """ This function updates the logged quantity progress which is used for the display of progress bars in the UI. ============== ============================================================================================== **Arguments:** pct The percentage of progress given by a measurement module ============== ============================================================================================== """ self.progress.update_value(pct)
[docs] @QtCore.Slot() def interrupt(self): """ Kindly ask the measurement to stop. This raises the :attr:`interrupt_measurement_called` flag To actually stop, the threaded :meth:`run` method must check for this flag and exit """"measurement {} interrupt".format( self.interrupt_measurement_called = True self.activation.update_value(False)
#Make sure display is up to date #self._on_display_update_timer()
[docs] def terminate(self): """ Terminate MeasurementQThread. """ self.acq_thread.terminate()
[docs] def start_stop(self, start): """ Use boolean *start* to either start (True) or interrupt (False) measurement. Test. """"{} start_stop {}".format(, start)) if start: self.start() else: self.interrupt()
[docs] def is_measuring(self): """ Returns whether the acquisition thread is running """ if self.acq_thread is None: self.running.update_value(False) self.activation.update_value(False) self.settings['progress'] = 0.0 return False else: #resp = self.acq_thread.is_alive() resp = self.acq_thread.isRunning() self.running.update_value(resp) return resp
[docs] def update_display(self): "Override this function to provide figure updates when the display timer runs" pass
@QtCore.Slot() def _on_display_update_timer(self): try: self.update_display() except Exception as err: pass self.log.error("{} Failed to update figure: {}".format(, err)) finally: if not self.is_measuring(): self.display_update_timer.stop()
[docs] def add_logged_quantity(self, name, **kwargs): """ Create a new :class:`LoggedQuantity` and adds it to the measurement's :attr:`settings` (:class:`LQCollection`) """ lq = self.settings.New(name=name, **kwargs) return lq
[docs] def add_operation(self, name, op_func): """ Used to create a logged quantity connection between a button in the Measurement tree and a function. ============== ================= **type name:** **type op_func:** str QtCore.Slot ============== ================= """ self.operations[name] = op_func
[docs] def load_ui(self, ui_fname=None): """ Loads and shows user interface. ============== =============================================================== **Arguments:** ui_fname filename of user interface file (usually made with Qt Designer) ============== =============================================================== """ # TODO destroy and rebuild UI if it already exists if ui_fname is not None: self.ui_filename = ui_fname # Load Qt UI from .ui file self.ui = load_qt_ui_file(self.ui_filename)
[docs] def show_ui(self): """ Shows the graphical user interface of this measurement. :attr:`ui` """
# if and self.ui.parent(): # self.ui.parent().raise_() # return # # self.ui.activateWindow() # self.ui.raise_() #just to be sure it's on top # if and self.ui.parent(): # self.ui.parent().raise_()
[docs] def new_control_widgets(self): self.controls_groupBox = QtWidgets.QGroupBox( self.controls_formLayout = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() self.controls_groupBox.setLayout(self.controls_formLayout) self.control_widgets = OrderedDict() for lqname, lq in self.settings.as_dict().items(): #: :type lq: LoggedQuantity if lq.choices is not None: widget = QtWidgets.QComboBox() elif lq.dtype in [int, float]: if widget = pg.SpinBox() else: widget = QtWidgets.QDoubleSpinBox() elif lq.dtype in [bool]: widget = QtWidgets.QCheckBox() elif lq.dtype in [str]: widget = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() lq.connect_bidir_to_widget(widget) # Add to formlayout self.controls_formLayout.addRow(lqname, widget) self.control_widgets[lqname] = widget self.op_buttons = OrderedDict() for op_name, op_func in self.operations.items(): op_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton(op_name) op_button.clicked.connect(op_func) self.controls_formLayout.addRow(op_name, op_button) return self.controls_groupBox
[docs] def add_widgets_to_tree(self, tree): """ Adds Measurement items and their controls to Measurements tree in the user interface. """ #if tree is None: # tree = tree.setColumnCount(2) tree.setHeaderLabels(["Measurements", "Value"]) self.tree_item = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem(tree, [, ""]) tree.insertTopLevelItem(0, self.tree_item) #self.tree_item.setFirstColumnSpanned(True) self.tree_progressBar = QtWidgets.QProgressBar() tree.setItemWidget(self.tree_item, 1, self.tree_progressBar) self.progress.updated_value.connect(self.tree_progressBar.setValue) # Add logged quantities to tree self.settings.add_widgets_to_subtree(self.tree_item) # Add operation buttons to tree self.op_buttons = OrderedDict() for op_name, op_func in self.operations.items(): op_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton(op_name) op_button.clicked.connect(op_func) self.op_buttons[op_name] = op_button #self.controls_formLayout.addRow(op_name, op_button) op_tree_item = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem(self.tree_item, [op_name, ""]) tree.setItemWidget(op_tree_item, 1, op_button)
[docs] def web_ui(self): return "Hardware {}".format(